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i hate this feeling !
Friday, March 25, 2011 @ 7:16 AM | 0 Comment [s]

tuhan , berikan aku kekuatan untuk hadapi segala rintangan yang Engkau berikan Tuhan . show the way it is right . Kaw kuat kan la hati dan iman ku ini Tuhan . 

kalau suka tak perlu sayang
kalau sayang tak perlu cinta
kalau cinta tak perlu kasih ,
kalau kasih tak perlu couple ,
kalau couple tak perlu clash .

ayat aku kat atas nie tah pape kan ? menyampah aku . rase mcm nak baling je pc nie .

love background

ape lagi salah aku ? ape lagi yang aku buat sampai mcm nie korang terfikir . God , can you send me a 'perfect girl' ? i really need ! It's okay even if I can't see . It's okay even if I can't breath . If I could meet you only once . If I could give you all my heart . How much more do I have to miss you . So that maybe you could know my heart ? How much more do I to cry and cry . So that tears could be dry ? Does it hurt because of loving you ? Is it the punishment for loving you so much . Even though you say that I can lose everything . It's okay if I just have you to be with me . Even if my heart is broken when loving you .even if my heart is separated when waiting for you . It's okay because I love you . It's okay even if I get hurt .The farther I turn away so as to forget you .The more I miss you, What can I do . Even when you keep telling me it's not right just . to keep me away from you . You are the only one to me, What can I do . Does it hurt because of loving you ? Is it the punishment for loving you so much ? Even though you say that I can lose everything . it's okay if I just have you to be with me . It's okay even if I get hurt . Even if I get poisoned and pricked . My love for you can't stop . I will endure even if it hurts and hurts . Because of loving . it's over dear . and i want you know that i love you so much and more . please don't make me hurt again . saya merayu awak ! u , i want to sleep this night . thinking about you . and woke up just the same 

salah ke aku on9 setiap hari ? salah ? orang lain yang buat , aku yang kene tanggung risiko . weyh , aku penat . hina sangat ke aku sampai cikgu anggap serong kat diri aku . kenape aku ? orang lain ? ade x ? ouh yaa , aku lupe yang aku nie kan special -.- ramai lagi org yang lebih teruk dari aku kat sekolah tu . aku on9 je pon bole jadi 1 isu . nie semua sebab 'KAW' . terlajak perahu boleh diundur . terlajak kata , badan binasa . dont jugde me if you don't know the reall of me !
lot of love,
WN' Aishah 
tetibe menggedik update mcm nie -.- *lagi sekali aku rase mcm nak baling pc .

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Aishah Kamaruddin. 16.
Please. what ever i do is not you bussines.

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